Updated Mar 2rd 12:30AM EST


Hello! I currently need to raise funds ASAP to keep the roof over my head and for food.
UPDATE: I start my new job on Febuary 3rd!!! But I'm currently behind on my rent by $200. If you cannot afford a commission, sharing my page, or giving me a RT for my post on Twitter to spread the word would help me immensely, Thank you very much! T~T

Completed Commissions

Commission work TOS

In commissioning me (HoneySmileYG) you agree to the terms that are stated below. in this document, the party 'me', 'i', 'my' refers to the artist HoneySmileYG; the party 'you', 'your(s)', and 'client(s)' refers to the client who is commissioning HoneySmileYG; 'project', 'piece(s)', 'work', 'job', 'art, and 'commissioned work' refers to the work commissioned by the commissioner.


This TOS is subject to change and will apply to all and any jobs I accept. this TOS will always be attached to all inovoices and receipts sent to clients. No signature is required. This TOS is the default, agreed upon terms and conditions that I and the client accept and acknowledge at the time of inquiry. The client is responsible for asking for clarification on any terms and conditions listed below.

Inquiry process

The client sends their inquiry via Google forms. Any other form of contact for work will be disregarded or redirected to this website.
Inquiries will be responded to within 1-2 business days. If accepted the response will include a discussion of the work timeline, needed pieces, and prices. The pieces for the job will be worked on according to the timeline discussed and delivered.

Pre-work conditions

All payments are handled via paypal. I will invoice the client using their paypal email address, including a link to my commission work TOS and the terms of their job that was agreed upon.

After work conditions

The pieces will be delivered via email. Personal work will be delivered as a png. Any other format will need to be addressed beforehand.
Clients must credit me as 'HoneySmileYG' wherever the artwork is used or showcased. I provide variants with and without credit on the artwork should a client not have the ability to type out credit.
I hold onto commissioned pieces for a year after commissioning. if the client has lost their files, they can request the files again via email.

Personal work guidelines

If the client has requested personal work, they are free to use the commissioned work for personal, non-commercial projects. This includes social media profiles, personal websites, personal decor, accessories, and apparel.
The work can be used to promote indie non-commercial projects.
Should the client use the commissioned work for their projects, credit to 'HoneySmileYG' must be visible, whether on the artwork itself or in text on the website page it is displayed.

About art for cryptocurrency and blockchain-related currencies

I will not accept work for cryptocurrency or any blockchain-related currencies, nor put my works up for possible payment via markets that accept such currencies as payment.
I am in no way affiliated with current and future markets whose primary or sole form of payment are cryptocurrencies or any blockchain-related currencies.